Marlene Nickerson
Mar relied on her faith to get her through the most difficult of times. She wasn’t the strictest mom, but she passed her values on to her children. She could cook with the best of them; the best Roast Pork and mashed potatoes. Her Kindle was one of her best friends; she was always devouring a book. Christmas was definitely her holiday, shopping and wrapping for everyone, but her house was impeccably decorated for every season. She was an Office Manager for Met Life but found her real calling late in life: a grandmother for the ages, she showered them with her love. She lived in Woolwich for 23 years and 30 years in Essington. She was active in Christ Church in Ridley Park and worked as an office manager for Met Life.
She’d meet a handsome guy named Bill. They’d share a 59-year marriage blessed by children Michael (Jeanette) and Susan (Joseph) Carafa; and later by grandchildren, Jay, Jessica, Hailey and Marshal and great grandchildren, Franki, Brooklyn, Harleigh and Mason.
Family will celebrate 81 great years at a service to be announced after the holidays.