Donald Lee Kelly

Donald Lee Kelly

You certainly won’t starve with a polish guy in the house; Donald loved to cook. He learned the dishes from his mother and prepped food by the freezer full. Golumpki was his specialty. Away from the kitchen you’d find him tending to his garden where he grew zucchini, squash and tomatoes. He enjoyed helping people and worked as a home health aid for Virtua Mt Holly.

He is survived by his husband, Roy Perkins; his brother, Elwood; and his sisters, Jane Craven and Barbara Beczo.

Come celebrate 69 great years Saturday 10 – 11 a.m. at Sweeney Funeral Home, Beverly where there will be a service at 11. Interment Odd Fellows Cemetery, Burlington.


  1. Roger Townsend says:

    Don and Roy have always been an inspiration to all of us. The love and commitment they shared will always shine brightly. Roy, I am so sorry for your loss. Stay strong in your love and your faith.

  2. Ginger Mankowski, RN, PHN says:

    Don was one of the 1st HHA’s I met, while working for Community Nursing Services, as a Public Health Nurse in 1982. Don always had requests for repeat clients who absolutely enjoyed his company, care and devotion. Never ‘delayed’, ‘out sick’, nor “lost”… His loving service showed him to be the epitome of home health aides.
    I am now retired, but I will never forget his smile, sense of humor and absolute dedication to the health of his clients.
    I am sorry for your loss; however, Don stands beside Jesus, completely understanding all of God’s mysterious ways. Rest in Peace, Don Kelly!

    PLEASE share this note with Don’s family members, especially his Husband, of whom Don always spoke very highly! Thank you!

  3. Aswir says:

    Right Agnes. Just cry several times these days besuace of a stranger. Perhaps he is no longer a stranger to me. He is a person whom I respect owing to his sharing on movies and passion for life and love. Perhaps we are all united.

  4. Iraida says:

    We proposed that Greece *buys* long term euodnobrs and uses them as collateral for the face value of its new bond issue. Nothing prevents Greece from doing so. Alternatively, Greece could use the ESM to *guarantee* the face value of its new bond issue. This would be an excellent use of the ESM. We do not propose direct funding from the ECB. However, we should point out that in the middle of a crisis, institutions deviate from the rules. If the EU and the ECB stuck to their rules, they would not haven been able to provide the 110 billion loan to Greece. Similarly, the Fed. violated many of its rules in 2008 and 2009 to deal with the crisis.

  5. Fiestas says:

    Chesterbrook Academy Elementary , Thank you so much!!!I wish you could be here TOO!!!Pascha in home is something else!!!But, that’s life!!!Alithos Anesti!!!!Αληθώς Ανέστη!!!

  6. Victoria says:

    Wir beschliedfen etwas, stlleen das dann in den Raum und warten einige Zeit ab, was passiert. Wenn es dann kein grodfes Geschrei gibt und keine Aufste4nde, weil die meisten gar nicht begreifen, was da beschlossen wurde, dann machen wir weiter Schritt ffcr Schritt, bis es kein Zurfcck mehr gibt.Wer sich Merkels Rede vom 4.6.2011 am ev. Kirchentag in Dreden zur Neuen Weltordnung, auf die das Ganze erkle4rtermadfen hinausle4uft, anhf6rt, muss annehmen dass die applaudierenden gle4ubigen Sche4fchen sich nichts sehnlicher wfcnschten als die Diktatur.Hier auszugsweise:Und das ist der vielleicht spannende Schritt, den wir Europe4er ja schon gewohnt sind. Wir haben lauter Souvere4nite4t an die Europe4ische Kommission abgegeben. Manchmal sind wir sauer darfcber, aber wir habenb4s gemacht. Und andere Le4nder sind daran fcberhaupt noch nicht gewf6hnt.Wenn man eine wirkliche Weltordnung haben will, eine globale politische Ordnung, dann wird man nicht umhinkommen, an einigen Stellen auch Souvere4nite4t, Rechte an andere abzugeben. Das heidft, dass andere internationale Organisationen uns dann bestrafen kf6nnen, wenn wir irgendetwas nicht einhalten. Und davor schrecken viele Le4nder noch zurfcck. Das ist aus meiner Sicht ein wirklich interkultureller Prozess, den wir durchlaufen mfcssen.Ja, der Wahnsinn hat Methode er kommt einem Staatsstreich gleich!Wie ist der europe4ische Bundesstaat und eine weitere Aufgabe der nationalen Souvere4nite4t der einzelnen Staaten noch zu verhindern?

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